Pley CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to run your game builds locally, and upload them to the Pley Game Manager.

Download the latest version on the Game Manager (requires a developer account).

Below you have the CLI commands reference for the latest version: 1.5.0.


pley init

Initializes your game project, linking it to Pley. Remember to run from the root folder of your game project.

> cd \path\to\my\project > pley init navigate with [j] and [k] then press Enter to select select corresponding Pley game: > Example Game ✓ game 'Example Game' successfully initialized


pley login

Logs your CLI into Pley using your developer account. You need to do this before using other commands such as pley init, pley dev, etc.

> pley login e-mail: password: ********** ✓ log in successful


pley dev

Runs a local development server needed when running the Pley SDK locally, for example, when running in the Unity Editor.

> cd path\to\my_unity_project > pley dev ⓘ listening on 23000

builds upload

pley builds upload PATH

Uploads the build located at PATH to Pley. You can then run the uploaded build from the Game Manager.


PATHstringe.g. path\to\build
> pley builds upload \path\to\build ✓ all files read ✓ build uploaded and queued for post-processing